About Toni

Having studied many styles of natural healing over the last 20 plus years Toni has gathered a broad range of skills spanning from crystal healing in various forms, to reiki & pranic healing, aromatherapy, herbs, flower essences & massage. 

She offers a combinations of those skills catered to the individual clients lifepath & healing needs, also facilitating workshops covering beginners aspects of many of these natural health options.  

Toni studied Aromatherapy (including subjects in flower essences & herbs) with The International Centre of Holistic Aromatherapy (now closed) and Swedish Massage with Health Schools Australia many years ago at the beginner of her journey.

Toni has completed Certified Crystal Healer & Advanced Crystal Master Courses at the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy has studied Usui Reiki up to Master Practitioner level under Leeor Anderson, and the following courses at The Pranic Healing Centre.

  • MCKS Basic Pranic Healing,
  • MCKS Advanced Pranic Healing,
  • MCKS Crystal Pranic Healing,
  • MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy,
  • MCKS Achieving Oneness with your Higher Soul,
  • MCKS Pranic FENG SHUI, 
  • MCKS Superbrain Yoga,
  • MCKS Pranic Face Lift & Body Sculpting, &
  • MCKS Spiritual Essence of Man 

More recently The Liquid Crystals - Basic, Advanced & TLC Practicality The Pleiadian Way. 

She is a self taught natural skincare maker & author, and the creator of the skin and remedy brand Plant Essentials ( www.plantessentials.com.au )

Toni is currently offering remote sessions of energy healing to client internationally.